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CPG Minor Update 2023

  • jvarn13 

In the meeting of the Saudi ADHD Society’s Psychological and Medical Committee held on 7 September 2023, the following minor updates to the Saudi ADHD CPG were approved:

Update 2023-1

The wording of recommendation 7.21 has been adjusted to clarify that that it only covers preparations of methylphenidate and not all stimulants.

Update 2023-2

Recommendation 2.1 has been updated with the addition of the word “other”: “people with other neurodevelopmental disorders”, as ADHD is recognised as a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Update 2023-3

A new recommendation has been added (5.19) that summarises the overall recommendation of a new NICE CPG: Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve for ADHD, Interventional procedures guidance [IPG748], published: 11 January 2023.

For further details, please see the Updates page.
